蜂膠是蜜蜂用從植物幼芽及樹幹上採集的樹脂,蜜蜂上鄂的分泌物、蜂蠟、少量花粉加工而成的一種具有芳香氣味,粘性大的天然混合物,燃燒時有特殊的香味,味微苦澀 - 蜂膠的主要成分有黃酮、萜稀類、有機酸類、芳香性醛類及多種氨基酸酶、維生素、礦物質等,蜂膠中復雜的有效成分,是優良天然保健品和藥物的物質基礎。
- 最完美的天然廣譜抗生素
- 天然免疫增強劑
- 血管的清道夫
- 健康的保護神
- 有效的濃縮抗氧化劑
- 天然抗生素在與其它保健品一起服用能產生一種協同效應
- 有助淨化和保護因有毒物質和酒精對肝臟的損壞
- 抗衰老,保護細胞不受遊歷基傷害,促進細胞再生
需增加免疫力的人群 - 各種呼吸道疾病,如易感冒(病毒或細菌性,適合初期的感冒),早上起床打噴嚏/流鼻水/肺部弱
- 消化不良,胃腸炎症及潰瘍 - 菸酒過多,多應酬,壓力大,經常外出公乾或旅行人士
- 各種細菌性疾病,病毒性肝炎等 - 皮膚病,口腔炎,喉嚨痛
200粒 (2000mg)
Propolis is a natural mixture with aromatic smell and high viscosity, which is processed by bees from the resin collected from plant buds and tree trunks, the secretions of bees' upper jaw, beeswax, and a small amount of pollen. It has a special fragrance and taste when burned. Slightly bitter - The main components of propolis are flavonoids, terpenes, organic acids, aromatic aldehydes and a variety of amino acid enzymes, vitamins, minerals, etc. The complex active ingredients in propolis are excellent natural health products and pharmaceutical substances. Base.
Propolis function
- The most perfect natural broad-spectrum antibiotic
- natural immune booster
- Blood vessel cleaner
- protector of health
- Potent concentrated antioxidant
- Natural antibiotics can produce a synergistic effect when taken together with other health products
- Helps purify and protect the liver from damage caused by toxic substances and alcohol
- Anti-aging, protect cells from travel radicals, promote cell regeneration
People who need to increase their immunity - various respiratory diseases, such as being susceptible to colds (viral or bacterial, suitable for early stage colds), sneezing/runny nose/weak lungs when getting up in the morning
- indigestion, gastrointestinal inflammation and ulcers
- tobacco and alcohol People who have too many social activities, are under a lot of pressure, and often go out for business or travel
- Various bacterial diseases, viral hepatitis, etc. - Skin diseases, stomatitis, sore throat
Usage and Dosage
Adults: Take one tablet once a day with a meal, or as directed by your doctor
200 tablets (2000 mg)
Best consumption period:
October 26
Original Price
蜂膠是蜜蜂用從植物幼芽及樹幹上採集的樹脂,蜜蜂上鄂的分泌物、蜂蠟、少量花粉加工而成的一種具有芳香氣味,粘性大的天然混合物,燃燒時有特殊的香味,味微苦澀 - 蜂膠的主要成分有黃酮、萜稀類、有機酸類、芳香性醛類及多種氨基酸酶、維生素、礦物質等,蜂膠中復雜的有效成分,是優良天然保健品和藥物的物質基礎。
- 最完美的天然廣譜抗生素
- 天然免疫增強劑
- 血管的清道夫
- 健康的保護神
- 有效的濃縮抗氧化劑
- 天然抗生素在與其它保健品一起服用能產生一種協同效應
- 有助淨化和保護因有毒物質和酒精對肝臟的損壞
- 抗衰老,保護細胞不受遊歷基傷害,促進細胞再生
需增加免疫力的人群 - 各種呼吸道疾病,如易感冒(病毒或細菌性,適合初期的感冒),早上起床打噴嚏/流鼻水/肺部弱
- 消化不良,胃腸炎症及潰瘍 - 菸酒過多,多應酬,壓力大,經常外出公乾或旅行人士
- 各種細菌性疾病,病毒性肝炎等 - 皮膚病,口腔炎,喉嚨痛
200粒 (2000mg)
Propolis is a natural mixture with aromatic smell and high viscosity, which is processed by bees from the resin collected from plant buds and tree trunks, the secretions of bees' upper jaw, beeswax, and a small amount of pollen. It has a special fragrance and taste when burned. Slightly bitter - The main components of propolis are flavonoids, terpenes, organic acids, aromatic aldehydes and a variety of amino acid enzymes, vitamins, minerals, etc. The complex active ingredients in propolis are excellent natural health products and pharmaceutical substances. Base.
Propolis function
- The most perfect natural broad-spectrum antibiotic
- natural immune booster
- Blood vessel cleaner
- protector of health
- Potent concentrated antioxidant
- Natural antibiotics can produce a synergistic effect when taken together with other health products
- Helps purify and protect the liver from damage caused by toxic substances and alcohol
- Anti-aging, protect cells from travel radicals, promote cell regeneration
People who need to increase their immunity - various respiratory diseases, such as being susceptible to colds (viral or bacterial, suitable for early stage colds), sneezing/runny nose/weak lungs when getting up in the morning
- indigestion, gastrointestinal inflammation and ulcers
- tobacco and alcohol People who have too many social activities, are under a lot of pressure, and often go out for business or travel
- Various bacterial diseases, viral hepatitis, etc. - Skin diseases, stomatitis, sore throat
Usage and Dosage
Adults: Take one tablet once a day with a meal, or as directed by your doctor
200 tablets (2000 mg)
Best consumption period:
October 26